Each person in the body of a living parasites. To note the sources of which every second person per year is infected with the helminths. The source of infection are sick people, animals. The parasites are carried on the feet of flies. Humans can be infected through the broken skin, mucus, swallow helminth eggs, along with water, food, and dust.

Unfortunately, when a person begins to feel the presence in the body of the parasites, and it is only when they become large and will start to distinct problems. So how do you know if you have parasites in the human body, the symptoms, and a lot of useful information to on.
This is very important! Every person ought to know on what basis it is possible to determine the presence of parasites in the human body.
How to determine the presence of parasites
When you are infected with worms at an early stage to identify their presence on a number of factors. Therefore, timely recognition to avoid further reproduction in a timely and accurate diagnosis, and providing treatment.
You can see what the status was, then it's easy to figure out how to know whether the parasites in the human body, the symptoms, they all have one thing in common.
The presence of worms in the body, which is determined by the following criteria:
- the appearance of the skin, eczema, warts, hives, as an allergic reaction;
- the presence of cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, which is not amenable to treatment by conventional methods;
- the higher the frequency of colds, since the presence of helminths reduces the body's immune system;
- during the night, while you sleep, reproducible gnashing of teeth.
- the pain in the abdomen and joints;
- diarrhea, bloating, or constipation, caused by lack of secretion of juice from the pancreas and bile by the blocks-long worms;
- brittle nails;
- hair loss and dry hair;
- pallor of the skin;
- nausea and vomiting, after eating;
- headaches linked to a consistent of intoxication;
- swelling of the arms or legs;
- like the nervousness, and the presence of depression.

In order to see whether or not there is a body of parasites at home, alone, it is worth noting that it's easier due to the fact that most of the characters, it is observed that in almost all of the members of the family, as you have to gradually infected almost everyone in the house. In the presence of the following symptoms, you should contact the clinic and, at least in the first tests of the feces for worm eggs and make an appointment with our General practitioner.
For the detection of the presence of opisthorchiasis helminths, the child may be to early in the morning, it will stick to the anus tape. If you have an infection, the worm eggs can be detected on the adhesive surface.
This is very important! The accuracy of the analysis, it is necessary to hand over a feces on eggs a worm on a day to day 3 times throughout the week.
On the basis of the definition of the helminths of the child in the home
Due to the lack of adherence to hygienic rules, which are often infected with worms from children. However, the manifestation of the infections have their own characteristics, which, in comparison with other people.
An experienced pediatrician may be readily recognized by the presence of the helminthes, in accordance with the following criteria:
- saliva-flow while you sleep, and talk;
- skin peeling on the eyelids;
- common to the whims of the child, and the desire for sleep;
- the growing needs of the consumption of sweets;
- itching in the anal area;
- for brittle nails, and dry the child's hair;
- the frequent cold.
The manifestation of these characteristics, you can assert the presence of helminths.
If you are still in doubt, and you don't know how to find out whether the body of parasites, and the main sign of infection is considered to be a violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the majority of the parasites that are living there. They feed on the nutrients, derived from food, the products of their secretions to poison the body, causing a lot of damage. Be able to lay their eggs in the large and small intestines, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, heart and even the brain.
This is very important! We should not forget about the presence in the environment, the parasites are in compliance with hygiene standards and prevention of.
What is the violations that occur in the body of the
As a result of prolonged no recognition of the parasites, which can lead to a variety of complications of the disease:
- anemia;
- the delay in the development of the child (mental and intellectual);
- inflammatory processes in the intestine, the gall bladder and its ducts;
- the weakening of the body's immune system;
- bronchitis, and pneumonia;
- Oncology;
- a total of myalgia.
As we have told you how to find out if it has parasites in the human body. The symptoms mostly depend on the infection by parasites of certain organs, from the time of infection. So, you have to remember that and to conduct an annual survey of their presence.